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Graffiti removal from Ages of The Tweed mural


Updated: Apr 3, 2023

On Tuesday 29 June, a working bee including Marion, Russell, Adrienne, Beth and Jo-Ann, embarked on a mammoth graffiti removal, cleaning, preparation, and application of protective layer to the Ages of the Tweed mural, along the river side of the Murwillumbah levy wall.

First order of the day, was finding the location of the water tap utility hole, which would have been impossible without Adrienne's knowledge of the location.

As it was, it required removal of a layer of grass to find the utility hole cover, and then excavating the hole, which had completely filled with soil from the floods.

(The photo above, shows about a third of the soil removed!)

After making sure the hose fittings were clear and everything was in working, brushing down and washing flood mud layers off the wall - with help from local park regular - Jason, and removing leftover debris from the wall ledge took place, before tackling the graffiti tags.

But first, a lunch break. Where we all agreed that the artistic efforts shown on the picnic table seat, was much more pleasing than the scribble on the table top and mural.

Then it was back to grafitti removal. Using a combination of specialist grafitti removal paste, acetone solvent and elbow grease, most of the "tagging" grafitti was removed

The wall was brushed and washed down again, before applying a protective sealer.

To our surprise and delight, it seemed to make the mural "pop" with brighter colours and highlights.

There are a few spots that need additional attention and follow up touch ups, but hopefully, the mural is now protected from the worst ravages of the elements, as well as making it easier to remove any future graffiti "tagging".

If you are interested in helping with future working bees at the mural, including weeding and maintenance of the native trees and shrubs planted, and other Earth Learning projects, please contact Adrienne to go on the roster.

Before and after:

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