Be a part of what we do and become an Earth Learning member!
Earth learning is dedicated to conserving our natural environment, through education, ecological restoration and science based research activities. Join us now to help!
Earth Learning is a registered Environmental Organisation with the Australian Government. For insurance purposes Earth Learning operates under a licence issued by the Nature Conservation Council. Anyone wishing to become a volunteer must become a member to be covered by insurance.
New Memberships
To apply for membership of Earth Learning please download and print the Membership Form. (PDF 3.9Mb)
New membership is $10 per person ($5 to join and and $5 annual).
Send the completed form with your cheque or money order for $10 to:
Earth Learning Inc.
454 Hopkins Creek Rd
Hopkins Creek NSW 2484
or scan and email to:
Renewing Memberships
Membership renewal is $5 per year and can be paid by Electronic Funds Transfer to Earth Learning Inc. Commonwealth Bank:
BSB: 062580
Account no: 10274003
(Write your name and "memb" so we can allocate your payment)
Earth learning is run by dedicated volunteers who work on areas of interest including mural painting, bush regeneration, educational books, applying for funding, educational activities and expert research.
Contact our Public Officer Adrienne Weber for more information on 0432917555 or email
The Earth Learning tree logo was designed by Erwin Weber, David Adams and Lui Weber
Provide environmental information and integrated education opportunities that support community transition to sustainability.
Include and integrate local indigenous knowledge and culture in raising environmental knowledge.
Build productive relationships, partnerships and networks in the local community.Promote local economy and employment opportunities through sustainable use of natural resources.
Liaise with landholders, NGO’s and government agencies to develop environmentally sound strategies and find funding for sustainability education and conservation of wildlife corridors.