Many thanks to Dr Karl
for being part of this initiative.
Earth Learning is involved in ongoing community education including a series of articles on the Tweed’s high biodiversity and World Heritage Gondwana Rainforests, focusing on the threatened species of flora and fauna.
The Earth Learning Lecture Series sponsors environmental and sustainability experts to give free presentations in the Tweed Valley including World Environment Day.
A childrens' picture book has been published about the local, natural environment. It stars the Hastings River Mouse and other endangered species.
A donation from the sale of each book is made to Earth Learning.
Earth Learning partnered with Tweed Shire Council, Tweed Landcare and Murwillumbah Services Club with funds from the 25th Anniversary Landcare Grant and NSW Club Grants towards the Tweed River-Murwillumbah Riverbank Restoration Walk and Open-air Gallery in 2015-2016.
The project improved the riparian area of the Tweed River at McIlrath Park. This is was an important opportunity for Murwillumbah as a subtropical riverside heritage town to restore its riverbank, providing an exemplar of riparian restoration within the Central Business District to other riverside towns.
The Riverbank Walk and Open-air Gallery enhances public amenity and recreation space and encourages community health through outdoor sports and cultural activities while providing environmental education through involving youth and community of all ages in the Ages of the Tweed Mural. The mural depicts Tweed landscapes, flora and fauna and their link to the Great Southern Land, Gondwana. The Tweed is significant in providing a climatic refuge for plants and animals once widespread, but now rare due to Australia’s drying climate and is recognised as one of the world's 35 Biodiversity Hotspots.
Outdoor galleries integrated into the local environment. Take a tour of the talents of local artists who have depicted our amazing flora and fauna. Bookings are essential: (02) 66721340; info@calderaart.org.au
Stage One of the mural was a Landcare project which started in 2008 and ended in 2013.
It encompassed the western and most visible side of the levee wall. It was a painting project, launched February 2008 and called the "Treasures of the Tweed - Threatened Endangered Species Flora and Fauna of the Tweed Caldera". It is a public mural along the Murwillumbah flood levee wall, painted by local artists Andy Reimanis and David Adams, to celebrate the Tweed Shire’s vast biodiversity (Threatened Species and Endangered Ecological Communities). That is it is an open air community art gallery on the Tweed biodiversity. The flood wall itself stretches for almost 2km. The mural stretches 700m and is possibly one of the longest of its kind in Australia"
This stage finished in 2013, seen in the images below.